Mercer Mixers

Mercer Mingles

The Mercer University Alumni Association, along with hosts and sponsors, organize Mercer Mixer social and networking events in cities across the United States.

Mixers are intended for alumni to connect with each other, swap stories and learn about what’s happening across Mercer’s campuses and programs. They have proven to be especially popular when planned in conjunction with Mercer sporting events.

Some Mixers are initiated by the Alumni Engagement office. Others are initiated by individuals who simply have a desire to gather fellow alumni in their area. (You might be surprised at the number of fellow Mercerians living in your area!) If you would like host a Mercer Mixer in your area, please let us know! We may be able to assist with the following efforts, determined on a case by case basis:

  • Providing mailing lists of alumni in your area
  • Preparing an e-mail blast or postcard invitation
  • Providing venue suggestions or reservations
  • Making catering suggestions and assisting with venue set up/preparation
  • Promoting your event via the Mercer website and social media outlets
  • Keeping RSVP lists
  • Collecting registration fees
  • Sending a Mercer staff person to attend and help you host (schedule and travel budget permitting)

Before you decide to host a Mercer Mixer, please keep in mind that, in order to provide as many connection opportunities as possible for our over 90,000 alumni around the world, we strive to design each Mercer Mixer so that it pays for itself. This is accomplished through any combination of: attendee registration fees (for meals or tickets), gifts (gratis use of facilities, catering, etc.) or sponsorships (which you, as the host, are encouraged to help solicit).

For more information on hosting a Mercer Mixer, contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at