Tift Scholars

Mercer has honored its commitment to maintain the heritage, identity and ideals of Tift College, most notably through the Tift College Scholars Program.
The Tift Scholars Program honors a select group of students at Mercer with scholarships and inclusion in one of the University’s most distinguished scholastic organizations. A Tift College Scholar is known for their intellect, leadership abilities, values, and commitment and dedication to the service of others.
Currently, there are more than 100 Scholars on Mercer’s Macon campus, pursuing degrees in liberal arts, business, education, engineering and music.
Tift Scholars participate in membership meetings and alumni events, including an annual Open House and Tift College Alumnae Weekend. There are many benefits associated with being a Tift Scholar, but the greatest reward of all is becoming a part of an enduring legacy that began at Tift College more than 150 years ago and continues today at Mercer University.
The Tift College Scholars Creed
To promote the high spiritual, academic and
social ideals of the Tift College Scholars;
To perpetuate the rich heritage and history
of Tift College on Mercer’s campus;
To contribute faithfully and whole-heartedly
to the betterment of Mercer University
Tift College Scholarship Competition
Mercer holds the Presidential Scholarship Competition each spring. Select candidates who attend this competition are also invited to interview for the Tift College Scholars Association; interviews are held during the competition.
Following the interviews, a committee of Tift College Alumni and Tift College Scholar Alumni selects the Scholars based on interview and SAT/ACT scores, high school grade point averages, extracurricular activities, community and church involvement, and special abilities such as music, drama, debate, athletics or leadership. Selection as a Tift Scholar offers inclusion in the Tift College Scholars Association and the opportunity to be selected as the Bessie Willingham Tift Scholar, a distinct honor that includes a full tuition scholarship.
In order to qualify for an invitation to this event, you must apply for admission to Mercer University and meet certain academic requirements. Most competitors will have a minimum 1300 SAT or 29 ACT score and at least a 3.7 academic high school grade point average.
For questions on qualifying for this event, please contact your admissions counselor in the Office of University Admissions at (800) 840-8577 or (478) 301-2650.